Call for research proposals for 2025/26

Click the links below to download the relevant documents for your research proposals.

Please ensure the following:

  1. That your Word document proposal is accompanied by an Excel budget file generated from the cost master.
  2. The budget table itself should be pasted from the summary sheet in the Excel file and if more information is required on items in the budget use the space in the left column or a footnote to the table.
  3. For Continuing Projects: This also needs to be submitted with an Excel file and have the summary table from the Excel file copied into the last page of the continuing proposal.
  4. For New Research Proposals: Please email Christine Stoppel-Grove ( with your project title and she will issue you with a project number for your proposal.


Links open in new tabs

When you have completed the forms

Please email your proposals (Word and Excel) back to Tshidi Ramabu on by the 16th of August, 2024.

I will pass the Excel sheets to Christine to check and capture costs for the budget.

Proposals will be made available to programme coordinators and portfolio managers on SharePoint after the due date.

If you have any questions please email me at: